Jessica Baron

Fulbrighter, Ph.D Candidate, Graphics Researcher & Developer

Updates in progress!


Hi! I am Jessica Baron, a Ph.D. candidate in Computer Science, Visual Computing at Clemson University advised by Dr. Eric Patterson. My research focus is on material modeling for rendering feathers in computer graphics. I am passionate about the paths that the field of graphics opens up for interdisciplinary and international efforts for understanding more of the physical world.

I am a 2020-2021 Fulbrighter at Prof. Wenzel Jakob’s Realistic Graphics Lab (RGL) at EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland. I spent time abroad, too, in Cologne, Germany at TH Köln and in Wellington, New Zealand at Weta Digital; at both places I developed tools for procedurally generating feather geometry. I additionally interned with the RenderMan team at Pixar Animation Studios (implementing material models) and the Unreal Engine team at Epic Games (implementing rendering data structures).

JessAndFresnelInBern Here I am with my world-traveling companion, Fresnel the Great Pyrenees, in Bern, Switzerland.


Overview of my research experience and projects.

Feather Research

Countenance Lab


Publications from research work and other projects.

Professional Involvement


Industry Experience

Academic Experience


A mix of 2D and 3D personal works.

Production-Related Pieces

Physical Works

Digital Paintings

Graphic Design

Other Projects

Inspiring Quote

More than iron, more than lead, more than gold I need electricity. I need it more than I need lamb or pork or lettuce or cucumber. I need it for my dreams. ~ Racter, The Policeman’s Beard is Half-Constructed


Email: LinkedIn: Jessica Baron